Whenever I have been involved in a major home remodeling project, the pros and volunteers with whom I work always call it a “build” even though, technically, we are not building a house, but renovating it.
Today I…
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Whenever I have been involved in a major home remodeling project, the pros and volunteers with whom I work always call it a “build” even though, technically, we are not building a house, but renovating it.
Today I…
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Last evening, I rode my Harley to a session with a physical therapist who is helping me deal with the issue of my severely strained, but improving, back ligament. The therapist asked me what activity was most difficult or concerning to me about potential future back strain so she could teach me skills to manage it.
I explained that I was most concerned about being able to mount and dismount my Harley. While the therapist is rather disapproving of motorcycle riding or wearing boots (she is definitely a “sneakerphile”), she agreed that if indeed that was the activity that could well possibly be a cause of more back stresses and strains, that I should show her exactly what the difficulty was.
So I rumbled aboard my Harley to the therapy center, decked out…
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Yesterday afternoon when I got home from work, my spouse asked me to take him to the grocery store. He had developed quite a long list of things that we needed and forgot to get during our regular grocery trip on Saturday.
I quickly changed clothes to jeans, t-shirt, and my blue/cream Black Jack python cowboy boots. Off we went. Then while at the store, my left leg began to hurt really badly. What was going on?
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I have blogged from time to time about the importance of having financial priorities in order — including not carrying debt on credit cards and having an emergency fund.
I was saddened on Saturday when a guy in his 40s asked someone at our local Harley dealership…
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Not to be outdone a dancing bear “bearing” flowers, when I arrived home from work on Friday, late and kinda tired because I was “acting boss” and had a number of things come up unexpectedly, my spouse pulled a surprise…
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There are expressions I hear cops say when they arrive at a scene where they need support from the fire department, particularly for EMS (medical) response. “Call fire!” Today, my call to “fire” to help me turned out amusingly well…
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I have a snippet of software that collects the most frequent questions entered into internet search engines that direct visitors to my website.
Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions (with short answers)…
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A buddy sent me a link to a posting found on the “Art of Manliness” blog titled, “A Man’s Guide to Western Boots: A Cowboy Boot Primer.” This post started off well with some encouraging statements:
Most men, though, will go through life without ever having tried a cowboy boot on. My advice? Don’t be that guy. Give it a shot. You don’t have to be a cowboy to wear and appreciate Western boots.
…a man can enjoy a touch of Western style in his outfits now and again….
…well-dressed men can be comfortable taking the cowboy boot out of the Southwest and into America’s most fashionable cities.
Further, the blog described the different styles of western boots.
Unfortunately, after it began encouragingly, the post spiraled into total stereotyping, clichés, and ridicule from there. It turned out to be a badly-written piece because…
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