100 Years

It is hard for me to believe, but 100 years ago in a rural area of the Choctaw Nation within the borders of a state that just earned statehood ten years previously, a baby girl was born. That infant grew to become the most profound influence on my life. Well, after all…
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Riding When I Can

After full recovery to usual strength by Saturday morning, The Spouse and I got busy extra early with our usual morning activities. I was replacing a utility sink in our basement, and needed plumbing parts. Knowing the big box (agent orange) store would be slammed, we were there at 0630 to get the parts I needed before the crowds descended on the store.

We returned home, and then I prepared the usual mixed gluten-free flour waffles for The Spouse, while I…
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Another Kind of Black Friday

So this year’s Feastival is over. I think we would call it a success. 106 guests over 12 hours, with two prominent elected officials that I could not chase away because my guests liked to talk to them. (As long as they did not bring an entourage of handlers and turn my event into a photo op, I could tolerate having uninvited guests.)

Spouse even managed to…
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Busy Boots

My boots are busy this week. Not only do I have an enormous amount of catch-up to do at work after being forced off-line last week while on business travel, in just two days the Spouse and I will be inundated by…
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The Life I Live and Love

I have been exceptionally busy this past week at work. It is just that time of year. On top of that, I have been busy in my personal life with driving my spouse to-and-fro to seemingly unending doctor’s appointments and errands, almost nightly meetings in my community for one-thing-or-another, and another funeral to attend today for my senior pal Mary. I barely have had a time to breathe.

Then Saturday (tomorrow), I take off…
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The Circle of Life

Lately, I have been dealing with the loss of three people I have known for a long, long, time. Each of these women died within the last week. I am not bereft or wailing inconsolably; death is the end of the circle of life, and I recognize that as I get older, I will be having more experiences with this situation.

The circumstances are…
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Annual Fall Photo

There is a bush in our back yard where its foliage changes to a rainbow of colors for a week. Every year for some time now, I have asked The Spouse to pose for our annual photo standing by that bush.

Following is this year’s Annual Fall Photo with the Spouse…
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