Seasoned Leatherman

I really don’t want to let this blog die. I just have trouble coming up with new content or things to write about.

Over the last several months, I have received messages via email from guys who respectfully say things like:

I have been following you through your blog for a long time. I have learned a lot about leather, boots, and gay culture.

… followed by more compliments on the information I have shared and my general perspective of being a regular guy who likes to wear leather and boots and just happens to be gay.

In fact today I received another respectful email addressing me as “Sir” and suggesting he would enjoy hearing stories from a “seasoned leatherman.”

I was honored to read that, to tell you the truth.

At first I was going to summarily reject the compliments with sort of an “aw shucks” shrug. However, on further thought…
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Appreciate Quality and Express Gratitude

In my last post, I described that someone sent me an email to ask me to share some of what I have learned. So I posted about learning to listen and not always be the first one with an opinion.

Today, I will write about another thing my email-writer remarked about:

You emphasize detail and the importance of quality: Fewer and fewer people appreciate these wonderful things or express their gratitude when someone takes the time to demonstrate them.

Again, wow… I really did not think that this little blog would have this characteristic noted. Thank you.

Regarding the topic… (more after the jump)
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A Few Things I’ve Learned

I sincerely appreciate that I have a small but loyal following on this blog. Recently, I received an email from a reader who said,

I hope that you will use your blog as an opportunity to write more about your life. I particularly benefit from hearing the philosophy of life that people have developed as they’ve grown up and become wiser — even in small doses like “I don’t know everything, but here are a few things I know for sure.”

Wow… great (rare) feedback. Thank you!

So this post is about “a few things I have learned” from this old fart’s perspective… more after the jump.
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Don’t Live Regrets: Make It Happen (Part 9)

This post summarizes my job transitions from 2004 ’til now. A future post will summarize the rest of my life, marriage, and future outlook, then I’ll be done mesmerizing you with my boring lil’ ol’ life story.

When I left off in Part 7, I had resigned from a job I thought would be the last of my working career when a massive reorganization and appointment of an incompetent boss became more than I was willing to suck up and try again to “make it happen.”

Yep, here and now, I admit that there are times in one’s life when your experience and intuition tells you…
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Don’t Live Regrets: Make It Happen (Part 8)

I call this blog post my “caregiving thread.” I have learned over time that caregiving is internal to my very nature. I don’t know quite how or why, but I have a natural intuitive caregiving gift, so family and friends have observed and told me. This inner caregiving drive and intuition is also something that my twin brother knew about me before I did.

Since my college days, I have been doing one form or another of caregiving for: a) people who experienced tragedies by volunteering with a recognized voluntary organization; b) through active service with a local fire department and rescue squad; c) by helping a cadre of senior pals with home repairs and grocery shopping; and d) through direct caregiving for an uncle, an aunt, my spouse, and now my mother-in-law.

The art of caregiving is something I do… and that makes me, “me.”
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