
The past few days while housebound due to insurmountable mounds of snow, I have been teleworking. It has been a very productive but busy time for me. So while working from my home office, what boots are on my feet?
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Posted in Job

Blizzard-Worthy Boots

We saw this coming a week ago, and all indicators remained consistent throughout the week. The consistency of the math, predictions, and forecasts have kept my boots and me exceptionally busy this week both at work and around my community and home.

What’s the nature of this extreme busy period?
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Boot Blogging

Over the last several months, over 90% of the visitors driven by search engines to this blog are looking for information about boots. Cowboy boots: wearing them with suits, heel and toe types, how they fit, etc. — and motorcycle boots: what boot works best on a motorcycle, and many searches about motorcycle police boots.

Few, if any visitors care about my daily life, and I don’t blame ’em. I lead a boring life filled with mundane activities. I work full time, care for my spouse and his recovery from a horrible prolonged and torturous illness, and occasionally when weather permits, post about riding my Harley. I look after a bunch of LOLITs (little old ladies in tennis shoes), and am engaged with my community in civic voluntarism, including home remodeling projects for people who need that kind of help.

But people don’t care about that, so there will be less posts about those activities.

For the next while (however long a while is), I will post…
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No Visitors

Doormat2Alas, the usual situation of being at odds with the spouse is upon me again. Within the last few days, I have received three pleasant introductions from guys visiting the area where I live (two for MAL this weekend and one coming to DC in a couple weeks) asking if they can come visit, have a bite, and see the boot collection.

My response, dictated from the spouse…
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Community Meeting In Leather?

LanglitzcrescentIt has been quite cold lately here in BHDville. When I got home from work the other day, I changed clothes from my dressy work duds to more comfortable clothing and boots. Because it is so cold, I thought nothing of pulling on a pair of regular black leather jeans, my new long-sleeved leather shirt, and a pair of Chippewa hi-shine engineer boots. Comfy casual wear for me.

I prepared dinner for the spouse and myself, then pulled on my Langlitz Crescent jacket, donned a Harley ball cap and headed out to a community meeting…
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Smiling Boot Guy

I was at a meeting in downtown Washington DC yesterday, and someone said something to me that I found amusing.

Setting: auditorium where people are gathering to listen to presentations that are rather geeky, but in my field. I was invited to join the panel as a “respondent,” meaning that after the speakers completed their presentations, I would join three people from other agencies to respond and engage a dialogue.

LuchornbackI was wearing the requisite jacket and tie, dress slacks, and a good-looking pair of black Lucchese hornback caiman boots.

Out of the blue, a gentleman came up to me and said,

“Oh, you’re that smiling boot guy.”

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Top 10 Searches That Drive Visitors To This Blog

I have a nifty snippet of software that lets me know what drives people to this blog. Nowadays, well over 95% of visitors to this blog are coming from the top 3 search engines — Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Other search engines, not as much.

What information are the searchers looking for? The top 10 searches are all boot-related. No big surprise there. What are those searches? In reverse order, from 10 to 1, they are:
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