Hey there… long time since I’ve written a blog here. I appreciate encouragement from a loyal long-time reader to write an update.
Since I last posted, I began enjoying being a citizen of Canada.
Immediately on hearing the tragic results of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, I went back to my Canadian home in Southern Ontario to figure out next steps in my life.
Since I am retired, I can travel freely and stay as long as I want outside the oUS (once-united states.) I say “once” because I clearly remember in my younger days, the U.S. was united, or more united, than it became during the first term of the self-centered egomaniac asshat who got re-elected when the oUS lost its ever-lovin’ mind on November 5, 2024.
Now, division, extreme hatefulness, and negativity rule the day.
I escaped to a country that is…
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