Hey there… long time since I’ve written a blog here. I appreciate encouragement from a loyal long-time reader to write an update.
Since I last posted, I began enjoying being a citizen of Canada.
Immediately on hearing the tragic results of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, I went back to my Canadian home in Southern Ontario to figure out next steps in my life.
Since I am retired, I can travel freely and stay as long as I want outside the oUS (once-united states.) I say “once” because I clearly remember in my younger days, the U.S. was united, or more united, than it became during the first term of the self-centered egomaniac asshat who got re-elected when the oUS lost its ever-lovin’ mind on November 5, 2024.
Now, division, extreme hatefulness, and negativity rule the day.
I escaped to a country that is…
… more civil, kind, and appreciates the mosiac approach to inclusiveness. Instead of the assimilation or melting-pot theory, Canada recognises and values that each person represents his or her ethnicity and contributions to society.
I did a lot of soul searching. Why am I doing this? Was it my dream or my husband’s dream?
Should I abandon my home and community just because an asshole will become President?
After speaking with friends and family, I came to the conclusion that I had to return to the oUS to support my neighbors who are in peril.
I returned to the oUS in early December and enjoyed activities in the community that I love and who love me back.
Not the gay or LGBTQ+ community per se, but my home… home where my heart is. Where I know thousands of people. Where my life is.
Then I took a break to restore my soul.
As I have done since my husband died, I went to Puerto Rico from mid-December to mid-January. I have a dear friend who gives me her home to stay in while she and her husband travel elsewhere for the holidays. Her home is on the west side of the island — what I call the “more authentic Puerto Rico.”
I had a restful and relaxing time with many friends who live there. I stayed for a whole month this time.
I swam in the Caribbean Sea bay where I scattered my husband’s ashes and reconnected with his spirit.
I did some photography. I had many meals with friends and enjoyed great food. I chillaxed. I slept peacefully with the coquis singing softly.
On return stateside in mid-January, the destruction was beginning. I put myself into a news blackout.
A few days before the Coronation of the King (of damage & destruction), I flew back to Canada and went on a bucket-list photo adventure of a lifetime in Northern Alberta.
Man — walking on a frozen lake and see wonders of clear ice with frozen ice bubbles was outstanding!
I then flew back to my home in Ontario for a couple weeks.
Then, regretfully, I returned to the oUS to begin fulfilling my calling to protect my neighbours. I can’t or won’t say exactly what I am doing, but let’s say that I am known, trusted, am fluent in Spanish, and am well-positioned to help.
While volunteering to support my community consumes some amount of time, I’ve been enjoying time at home with my hobby of still maintaining my website.
For just fun and pleasure, my clothing options vary from full fetish leather to suits & ties. Footwear varies from dress shoes to cowboy boots (particularly Rujo Boots).
I seldom wear tall boots any more, as they just don’t fit me. I’m liking shorter footwear for comfort in my older age.
I am quite disillusioned with what the oUS has become. Hate-filled, hurtful, and bound to destroy diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Not me — I cherish those values even more. The Asshole can go to hell where he’s driven what was left of the country I once proudly served in the military and as a civilian for my entire working career.
Any questions where I stand and in what I am standing in?
Life is short: hold your values, protect your neighbours, and #Resist!
Welcome home. Home is just a word, but “home” is where your heart resides. There are a lot of things I want to see righted, and hope to see them in my lifetime. I do not think any party has the only answer as there may be more than one answer. The best way is to sit down and listen, discuss, and everyone compromise. Unfortunately, some do not see any compromise. Take care, your readers like to hear from you.