Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, and I have much to be thankful for.
First, I am thankful for my beloved partner who always finds ways to love, to share, to be my best half, my lover, my friend and confidant, my trusted adviser and the window to my soul. Honestly, I have no idea how I could live without him, as he is me and I am him, entwined together through life.
Second, I am thankful for the nudge to get out the door from my old job through a layoff in June to give me the time to get my aunt through and past a serious medical crisis, back into her home with 24-hour care. I needed to leave, as the fit for that job wasn’t so good, supervising child-like millennials was a huge hassle, and the salary was … (not so good).
Third, I am thankful for being selected for my new job and receiving an exceptionally generous offer. I began working this week. It’s challenging, interesting, and commanding of my skills and talents, testing me in new ways, and helping me to live, to grow, and to explore new things. I’m always interested in learning. I thrive on these challenges, which will keep me busy but not overwhelmed. And woo-hoo to three really great benefits: I get to work from home most of the time; I don’t have to supervise anyone; and I don’t have to have a smart phone (Blackberry or otherwise. Yippie!)
Fourth, I am thankful for my loving and caring family. For being there for me always, through bad times (such as when I broke my leg in January) to good times (such as at various family parties and our weekly dinners), and everywhere in between. I am so richly blessed by the whole fam-damily, all 232 of ’em! (including cousins…) [And that includes my siblings who read and contribute to this blog LOL!]
Fifth, I am thankful to have had the opportunity to care for my lovely 95-year-old aunt during the winter of her life, and being able to make her life as comfortable, safe, and happy as possible. I truly feel that her care is “my calling” and I was called…. She is a joy and I am thankful to have her to care for and to love.
Sixth, I am thankful for my “senior legion” who care for and about me, and let me care for them. During my down-time with the broken leg earlier this year, they were there for me — from preparing meals and delivering them, to just staying with me to ensure that I didn’t hurt myself trying to get around, as well as keep me company. I thrive in a different way by extending my spirit to reach out and care for them from daily phone chats to regular visits, to doing home repairs, taking them grocery shopping or to the doctor’s office … whatever. It truly “takes a village” and they are my village.
Seventh, I am thankful for my close friends with whom I share a wonderful bond of camaraderie, joy, and life. I truly enjoy the times we communicate and visit. Their spirit warms my heart and makes my life so much richer.
Eighth, I am thankful that again this year, we’re having our crazy-huge Thanksgiving Pot-Luck at our house. So today as you go about whatever you’re doing, imagine my partner and me, as well as 14 members of my family, hosting over 100 seniors (on visits spread out throughout the day). Singing at the piano in the living room, chatting with friends in the family room and den, or watching “the game” (whatever game it is) on the TV in my partner’s basement “man cave.” Food’s on the buffet in the dining room, and drinks are on the island in the kitchen… come ‘n get it! (But be sure to take a plate full of food & goodies home with you when you leave, as I don’t want to have to deal with all those leftovers!)
I regret to disappoint some follower of my “Thanksgiving antics” each year, but this year I did not have the time to create a Thanksgiving Piano Tune in full leather. I had to work at my new job all week this week, and after work, I had to get the house ready for our event today, arrange to borrow folding chairs, tables, etc., from some neighbors, and do a million other things. I usually created that video on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. This year, I just didn’t have time or energy to make one. As I said, some will miss it, and others will not. So be it… not gonna happen this year.
I wish you and everyone celebrating Thanksgiving a wonderful, joyful day, filled with happiness. Please take time to thank the important people in your life, your Deity if you believe, but most of all, thank yourself for reading through this long missive!
Life is short: be thankful!