Dual-Purposed Ride

Some of my regular readers have commented or emailed me to ask why it seems as if I have not been riding my Harley very much. Well… good questions and I appreciate the concern. It is true that my Harley’s saddle has had my butt absent for most of this riding season.

However, once again the weather was promisingly delightful on Saturday with low humidity, lower-than-average temperatures, and a Spouse who knows how I feel, so….
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A Motorcop Uses My Photo

A few weeks ago, I smiled and was amused by a post on a popular social media platform by a motorcop with whom I am friends. I have observed his exemplary riding skills often on the roads around my home county as well as during police motorcycle riding competitions (this photo is of him in the 2012 competition).

The cop posted about a new pair of Dehner boots that he got. (More and photo after the jump)
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A Normal Gay

It’s June, Gay Pride Month… this month hasn’t been a big deal to me for a long time, as I am proud every month whether I am gay, a brother, an uncle, a friend, a biker/Harley rider, a civic leader, a helper, a caregiver, a neighbor, a husband… whatever.

However, I am bombarded with many messages related to “celebrating Gay Pride!” … like suddenly the world thinks everyone should celebrate… la la la, twirl and laugh… whatever.

Nothing took me more by surprise than a colleague coming up to me and saying,
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Bucolic Peaceful Ride

Yesterday dawned brilliantly sunny. Low humidity and no rain forecast for the entire day.

I mentioned the forecast to The Spouse on Thursday, and he said what I hoped to hear, “you should go for a ride on your Harley.”

So I cleared my Saturday schedule of most things… only leaving two essentials…
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