As you read this post, my boots and I are on assignment for three days. I will be taking leave from work and participating on a working group with my professional society.
During this brief assignment,
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As you read this post, my boots and I are on assignment for three days. I will be taking leave from work and participating on a working group with my professional society.
During this brief assignment,
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Since I visited Washington DC on March 23 and took photos as a brilliant red dawn occurred, I had posted one photo per day on social media. This one picture, not previously posted here, was shared and “liked” by hundreds. The winner is…
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As busy as I am at my more-than-full-time job, then leading a life of voluntary contribution to my senior pals and community, I have little time left to nurture my spouse and our relationship.
So why was I at our county courthouse yesterday?
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The other day, my boss suggested that we all go on an outing. Where and why?
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[ed note: metric conversions fixed] Over the last six years or so, cowboy boot styles have been changing with influences from fashion design. Yeah, you might not want to think about it, but fashion design invades even the most basic of masculine footwear — the cowboy boot.
There are two reasons for this fashion-oriented change:
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I have a super-huge boot collection. I really do wear most of my boots throughout the seasons. However, there are some boots that I do not wear (either seasonal or don’t fit but I can’t get rid of), so I store them. I am writing this post as a reminder on how to store boots, and also in reaction to…
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Yay, it’s “dress down Friday,” where men in my office wear denim jeans and informal shirts. No jackets or ties. (Especially “yay” for that!) Even BCO wears dressy jeans and I think we’ve convinced him to ditch the jacket, especially since The Big Cheese doesn’t wear one.
As I was dressing this morning, I looked at my Lucchese Peat Elephant boots and thought …
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Guest post by “VicariousAttorney”
Hi, I am a regular follower of this blog. I was invited to write this post to describe my first contact with this blog’s author when I finally got nerve enough to send him a message to say
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Contrary to a comment received on a recent blog post titled The Guy Who Checks Out My Boots about “BCO” with whom I work and has become “boot-wearing curious,” I am happy to report that Mr. BCO has …
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My spouse is such a trooper. He has been struggling with the long-term damage to his joints as a result of the toxic effects of a tick-borne infection that lasted more than three years.
The spouse has been in remission — that is, without symptoms — of the illness for more than a year now. But is he bug-free?
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