Boot Improvising

One idea provided to me by my buddy “S” with whom I went on a crazy-awesome motorcycle adventure in Utah on ideas to blog about was “boot improvisation.” He suggested that I describe what boots we selected for this trip, and why these boots were different from what one may expect to wear when riding a Harley.

Great idea! Thanks, “S”! So here goes… what did we improvise (that is, choose to make available) for boots on this trip, and why? More after the jump…
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Bears Ears and Escalante

It is hard for me to believe, but just four months ago, my buddy “S” and I were on the most crazy-awesome motorcycle adventure in Utah. Friday, 28 July, was when we rode 321 miles through the Bears Ears National Monument and the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument land areas of Utah. S recently sent me a shirt (shown here) as a thank-you for our fun times. (Thank YOU, S, for going with me and your safe and sane riding!)

Back to the ride 28 July segment of our ride… we rode in a monsoon for half of it … but nonetheless, a highly…
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Utah: Riding in Arches National Park

My video production from my “helmetcam” (a GoPro Hero 5) continues. After visiting Canyonlands National Park on the morning of 27 July, we rode a short distance (distances in the huge state of Utah are relative), and rode into Arches National Park near Moab. I will describe what we did in the park, and video from our ride is down below. Read on!

This park is claimed to be…
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Lessons From Monsoon Survival

One week ago today, “S” and I began our longest ride of our crazy-awesome Utah motorcycle adventure. With nothing open in the tiny town where we had stopped for the night at a small hotel, we rode 20 miles south, found a small-town restaurant, and had a great breakfast.

While we could see storms in the far distance, we began our ride again by entering the “Bears Ears National Monument.” This area was…
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