Booted Travel Plans

I am, like others, tired of staying home, though I love my house and the community in which I live. However, caution still is needed to avoid contracting Covid-19. I figure that I have been so very careful for so long, I am not going to abandon Covid safety measures, but I am beginning to venture out more often, and have three trips planned for 2022.

Where am I now and where will I go?
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Boots With Shorts?

I received an email the other day from someone who asked,

What’s your opinion on boots with leather shorts? I have really tall 18″ Chippewas and 18″ Wesco boots but I look like Sponge Bob Square Pants when I wear them with shorts. I have some 8″ Carolina boots I could wear. I am looking for a suggestion.

My response probably would not surprise you…
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Confidence of Boots and Leather

No, I haven’t let this blog die. I need to get motivated to write again. So here goes.

Over the years and recently as well, I have received messages from guys who have complimented me on how I appear in boots and leather and comment on their personal concerns about wearing this gear.

No, contrary to fears, most people (at least those who are civil and educated), will not look at someone wearing boots or perhaps leather jeans and say something uncomplimentary.

In my experience dating back more than 40 years, actually…
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