This is Pride week in Washington, DC, where several events, including a parade, a dance, a street festival, and a march for “Unity and Pride” are going on. The march is among dozens of “marches” for this-and-that (science, women, climate, etc.) because the administration of #45 is all about destruction of the environment and reverting to anti-you-name-it policies of the neanderthal era of the 50s.
So there are indeed reasons to demonstrate and voice opinions, especially when dealing with the current hostile, narrow-minded, and bigoted President, Vice President, and appointed heads of the Executive branch of the U.S. Government, and downright hateful majority in Congmess, the Legislative branch.
As I was reading an article in the newspaper on Saturday about the history of the “Pride” events in the country and particularly in Washington, DC, I commented to my spouse…
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