The second half of 2017 was far better for me than the first half. It began with the most adventuresome and fun motorcycle ride I have ever done in my life. I called it my “Crazy Awesome Motorcycle Adventure.” But there were other highlights, as well as lowlights during the second half of the year. Read on for the recap…
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Monthly Archives: December 2017
2017 In Review (Part 1)
2017 was a tumultuous year with its highs and lows. This post recounts the highlights (and lowlights) of 2017 as it was for me. The year began…
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Christmas Surprises
Things are going “as expected” here at the mother-in-law’s dark and dreary house. When we awoke on Christmas morning, we were presented with a peaceful blanket of fresh fallen snow. This was not a surprise since the forecast five days ago was spot-on, but it was a delight to see.
After preparing breakfast for The Spouse and his Mom, I pulled on my warm, insulated, waterproof Chippewa Loggers and dispatched the snow from the walks in just a few minutes.
After I came back inside and had some hot chocolate while MIL slept through more Hallmark Christmas movies, I checked my email. I was surprised to find…
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Gifts of My Life
Christmas is a time when children look for Santa Claus to bring them gifts of toys and bicycles and techie stuff.
Adults get into it, too. With all the commercials on television with yuppies giving themselves Lexi (that is the plural of Lexus, right?), Mercedes(es), or whatever the pricey ride du jour may be, my spouse and I look at each other and …
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Quiet Comfort
These days before Christmas are among my favorites because…
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The Great Last-Minute Things
My staff and folks I work with are quickly realizing that I will be “departing the pattern” as of…
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Joy and Challenges of Caring for Seniors
Followers of this blog know that I have a cadre of people I call my “senior pals,” or LOLITS (little old ladies in Tennis Shoes.) I have 16 “regulars” who live near me and for whom I look after in various ways.
Mostly, I take them grocery shopping two or three times each month. Occasionally, I will do some home fix-it jobs to enable them to live safely in the home where they live. I also may, as time permits, take them to medical appointments if they are unable to drive themselves.
I also have one senior who my Spouse and I look after — the Spouse’s mother — who is not a joy, unfortunately. The comparisons and contrasts are stark.
I try…
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Did You Ride?
I attended a regular monthly meeting of my motorcycle club last night. I arrived about ten minutes early, and was speaking with friends and fellow safe riders before the meeting.
My friends looked at me up-and-down, and several asked,
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Not the Party Guy
This is the season for parties… holidays and family events (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) I am still mustering the spirit, which is difficult for me personally what with the National Embarrassment of the DIC and with my own spouse’s ongoing battle with what seems to be flares of illness that probably will haunt him for the rest of his life. (Oh well, at least we can celebrate a little bit that there will not be a homophobic right-wing extremist hypocrite in the U.S. Senate).
As sociable as I appear to be, I am really not…
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Caring for the Man I Love
Last week, The Spouse was not feeling well. He was not sick, he just was not feeling well. Then it got worse…
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