Discerning Quality and Value in Motorcycle Gear

Rideblog01I have been riding a motorcycle for some 35 years. I have acquired a lot of gear to wear when I ride over the years … jackets, vests, chaps, pants, boots … you name it, I have it.

When I was a novice biker, like most young guys, I looked around at what other bikers were wearing and admired the tough-looking style and appearance of leather gear and boots. I admit, I was (and am) “a bit more enthusiastic” for leather than most other guys. But I was young, had a tight budget, and have always been frugal, so I was looking for what appeared to be good-looking gear but within my budget. Or shall I say, I was looking for “cheap.”

Leather gear is priced…
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Tweaking the Blog

Every now and then, I look at how other WordPress blogs are set up and explore possible additions or changes to try to make it look and operate more smoothly for my readers. One thing I promise I will never do is…
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Riding To Remember

Sunday, May 12, I rode with about 15 of my friends, some of whom are retired or active law enforcement officers, to the annual “Law Ride” which kicks off Police Week in Washington, DC. We rode to the staging area then rode in procession past the U.S. Capitol to the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial in downtown DC.
NicebootThis is but one photo that I took —
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Determining Good Value in Boots

br363Sometimes people send me email to ask my opinion on a certain pair of boots — new or used. I appreciate that people recognize that I have learned a thing or two about boots. I am happy to respond to questions as I have time.

Recently, I was asked my opinion about Justin Bent Rail model 363 boots, pictured here. “Are these boots a good value?”
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Marriage Makes Relationship Real

Some of my family — first cousins once removed (children of first cousins) — have reacted quite negatively to the news that I married a man.

I am having a conversation with a close, trusted, insightful and intelligent friend who pointed out, “until you married, they could pretend that your relationship wasn’t genuine. They probably reduced it to sexual relations, and since you are a private person and [your spouse] doesn’t like to socialize, your relationship was pretty much invisible to them. Marriage shattered those perceptions for them.”

What is complicating matters is that a few of my cousins (not many, just a few) blindly adhere to what their religion has taught them, which includes that marriage is a sacrament, and by the mere fact that I am gay (and not celibate), I am living in sin and will go to hell… not to mention that my state has redefined marriage.

I keep asking,
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Chippewa Boot Production Delay

Bootsmap12For several years, I have been strongly suggesting to a friend of mine who is a motor officer that he should get a pair of Chippewa Hi-Shine (model 71418) boots when it was time for a new pair, instead of the bal-laced Dehner boots he had been wearing. Not that he looks bad in Dehners (quite the opposite), but he had been complaining about his feet “needing more room” in the foot as well as the overall cost of Dehners being about twice as expensive as Chip Hi-Shines. He also noticed, as have I, that more cops here on the East Coast are wearing them.

When it came time this Spring for my buddy to order new boots, he found a vendor that offered a good discount to active officers He placed the order in late March, and waited. And waited. And waited.

After a month, he complained to the vendor and told me what the response from Chippewa was that the vendor relayed to him:
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When A Man’s Dreams Turn to Motorcycling

RidesmallAh, Spring… a time of renewing the spirit and the soul. A time of rebirth. And a time when a lot of guys consider buying a motorcycle and joining those of us who enjoy the freedom and spirit of riding the road on two motor-powered wheels. Nothing like it…

I have been riding a motorcycle since March 18, 1978. Just how do I remember the exact date 35 years ago, and how did I become a biker?
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