Decisions, Changes

My Booted Harleydude website has been around since 2005. The screen name was selected because:

a) I own and wear a lot of boots. This website was created primarily to catalog my extensive collection of cowboy, dress, motorcycle, and work boots.

b) I was (note past tense) a biker and owned and rode a Harley. I am also an old-school gay Leatherman, so I cataloged my motorcycle gear and fetish leather gear. Over time, I built quite the collection.

Well, come March 2024, I have made a hard decision to sell my Harley, hang up my helmet, and stop riding motorcycles. Long ago, I decided not to attend any Gay Leather events. I don’t have the interest, stamina, or desire to attend those types of events.

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Where I Have Been

This blogger has taken a break. A much-needed break from a busy 2023.

During 2023, I logged over 1,000 hours of volunteering in service to my community.

I racked up 15,000 air miles on travels within the U.S. and Canada.

And yeah, I am retired and lovin’ the freedom to do what I want to do, and when and where I live to enjoy a full life.

So where have I been this winter?
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