Travel Continues

LizardQuick update — I am feeling great and thriving on this business trip. I love my job and what I get to do. Having this sense of purpose allows me to put any rib fracture pain out of my mind and sleep well at night without pain or discomfort.

Pictured here is a little friend that visited my room. Quite common on this island, and harmless.

The rest of this trip involves…

…field work on some distant areas of the island, and giving recognition for accomplishments of very hard-working and dedicated professionals who make the program that I manage nationally come alive in its local execution.

What boots am I wearing? Today, my Belleville Air Force tactical boots. These boots are comfortable and provide good traction for some of the areas I am visiting today.

I had to wear dress boots for a dressy event yesterday… more on those at another time.

Meanwhile, I will continue to enjoy and learn.

Life is short: love your job and never “work” a day in your life!

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About BHD

I am an average middle-aged biker who lives in the greater suburban sprawl of the Maryland suburbs north and west of Washington, DC, USA.