The Spouse’s Support

Lately, my work-life has been quite the topsy-turvy situation. I cannot describe what’s going on, but it ain’t so pretty. When I told people at the office that I was retiring, instead of…

… being told, “I understand,” management above-the-boss became distant and somewhat hostile, or at least very disrespectful. Kinda like being told, “sorry to see you leave — don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

So what I thought was going to be a three-month period of transition has become more of a nightmare, where going to the office every day is a dreadful experience.

I remain the consummate professional, writing transition information, documenting everything I do, and briefing my boss and a colleague on where things are and how to do what I do. My boss is in a tough spot because his bosses are requiring him to treat me in ways that are contrary to his nature and our friendship. My colleague is so overwhelmed, he is paralyzed. On top of that, the boss’ boss and upward don’t give a sh*t.

I come home every day and relay the day’s drama to The Spouse. His response is how I truly know how much he cares for me and loves me. He holds me, caresses me, and listens. Man, does he listen. He is the best listener on the planet.

He doesn’t say much in words, but in actions, his support has been — and will continue to be — phenomenal. I can honestly say that if it weren’t for him, I would be on the list for next admission to the insane asylum.

This, my friends, is what our marriage means. My Spouse lives our marriage vows each and every day.

Yeah, not so long ago when Spouse was going through years of torment from long-term co-infections, I was caring for him. Taking him to countless specialists and for endless medical tests and procedures. He still has not recovered. He still has lingering symptoms. But with my situation being at a crisis-level, he diminishes his own to care for me.

That’s what “I promise to stand with you in celebration and sadness, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health” truly means.

Fooey on some people’s lingering hatred of same-sex marriage. We live what marriage means. Every day.

Life is short: live your vows.