Riding When I Can

After full recovery to usual strength by Saturday morning, The Spouse and I got busy extra early with our usual morning activities. I was replacing a utility sink in our basement, and needed plumbing parts. Knowing the big box (agent orange) store would be slammed, we were there at 0630 to get the parts I needed before the crowds descended on the store.

We returned home, and then I prepared the usual mixed gluten-free flour waffles for The Spouse, while I…

… remained careful and just had a piece of wheat toast and orange juice.

Then I took a passel of LOLITS grocery shopping. Whoda thunk after Thanksgiving that grocery stores would be so poorly stocked. We managed, but agreed that we would have to go back on Sunday for some staples that three stores were all out of. (Amazing to me — to make room for all the turkeys, major stores do not stock chicken. And there were a ton of left-over turkeys.)

I returned home and began working on the sink replacement project, only to hit a snag. I got one part that was the wrong size, so I needed to get the correct one.

By then, it was lunchtime. I prepared a very light lunch for myself, and a rather big meal for The Spouse. While we were eating, Spouse said, “it’s warming up and sunny. Why don’t we do this sink project tomorrow and you go for a ride on your Harley.”

Awwww… he is so thoughtful. He knows that I have been wanting to get out for a ride but between freezing weather, business travel, and preparing for the Feastival, I have not had time.

I quickly changed clothes — pulled on my comfy leather jeans, Chippewa harness boots, a light leather shirt, and my Langlitz Crescent Jacket (photo above). Before leaving the house, I checked my bike thoroughly using the standard T-CLOCS method. All was well.

I decided, however, that my ride should not be “just to nowhere,” but to be purposeful. I rode to a more distant big box supplies retailer (agent blue) that is never crowded. I went the back way, which was scenic and pleasant.

I got the part I needed for the sink repair, then rode home via a different route. Along the route, I found a place to set up my GoPro camera and set it for 5-second delay time-lapse photos. Then I rode up and down a lonely single-lane road. I got some interesting shots (about 10) and discarded about 100 shots that were not usable. Good thing about digital photography. Just hit “delete” and “poof”, what you don’t want or isn’t good is gone. (Thanks to a friend from Canada who taught me this trick. He uses his GoPro to take many interesting photos of his rides.)

After about 10 minutes of that, I was tuckering out, having had the energy sapped from me from my recent short flare of my chronic intestinal illness. I returned home.

Rested with The Spouse… repaired the sink on Sunday. … and also bought those chickens 🙂

Life is short: ride.