Imagine the Bootmen

Well, I’ll have to say “imagine” because I have misplaced my camera and none of the other eight guys who joined me for dinner in the Castro in San Francisco last night had one (or thought to take a pic with their i-gadgets.)

Nonetheless, I was delighted to enjoy dinner with Larry and Bill of fame; MichaelSir and his partner; Mike McNamee and his new business partner, Ken; WetInSF; and Boots SF (umm-humm! Woof!). What great company! Very interesting men, with lots of fascinating stories to share. They are really great guys — knowledgeable, friendly, and delightful company. Sure makes a business trip to San Francisco enjoyable.

And, of course, all were in boots. Tall Wescos won the day. All looked mighty fine in them, too. Boots SF was in Dehners, and was especially handsome in full leather.

I was glad that Larry could arrange this for me, and that so many guys showed up. What a great evening!

Now… time to head north. Return later for another entry of “as this Bootman travels.”

Life is short: measure it by the quality of the company you keep.

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About BHD

I am an average middle-aged biker who lives in the greater suburban sprawl of the Maryland suburbs north and west of Washington, DC, USA.