Looking For Boot Info, But Found More

taz5Funny, lately I have received comments on this blog or email from people saying

“I found your blog while looking for information about boots, but after I got there, I found so much more.”

That goes back to comments that I received from a post I made a while back about what I thought people were interested in, or not. Those comments via email said…

…essentially the same thing:

I kind of enjoy reading your news blog. I get what you are saying about the personal stuff, but I find some of it interesting.

My opinion; just keep the mix that you have been doing right along.

HousekitMost of the website traffic may be about the boots but your blog is a testament to what one man can do. Yes, the first time I visited your blog I was wanting information on boots. But I also like to hear what you are doing in your community. You are an inspiration for all of us to do more in our communities. Your blog is always interesting. I know it is time consuming and every one has a limited amount of “spare” time. I honestly do not know how you get so much done.

Okay, okay, I hear ya!

Thank you for your comments about the general nature of my blog’s content. I will keep its focus on boots and boot care, wearing, design, and manufacture, but as I go about living my life in my community, with my spouse, engage with my large and rambunctious family, and ride my Harley, I’ll keep writing about that, too.

Yes, even for a guy whose website is about “A Guy Into Boots, Leather, and Harleys”, there is more to my life than that. I believe in living a life of contribution to what’s important: his lifemate (spouse/husband/partner); his family, including giving comfort and care to your elders (photo: my lovely aunt who I cared for through 7 years of Alzheimer’s); and his community where the boots of my roots are planted.

I have faith in the goodness of people and that positive thoughts and actions beget same. That is, what you put into your life and love, the more you get back in return.

Ya know, it’s quite something when you think of it — how what I write and what I do reaches far more people than I ever will know. I try, not always successfully, to lead by example.


Because: life is short. Wear boots, and wear them with a smile while caring for and serving others.

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About BHD

I am an average middle-aged biker who lives in the greater suburban sprawl of the Maryland suburbs north and west of Washington, DC, USA.

One thought on “Looking For Boot Info, But Found More

  1. I also was looking for boots information trying to get my mind temporarly disengaged with the passing of a close friend and found so much more. Thanks I enjoyed reading your blog and….. Thanks continue being you, by the way don’t have as many boots as you but will be constructing my hanging boot rack. Traded in my 02 road king for a 2014 Street Glide. Keep the wind in your face!

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