Will You Marry Me?

To my wonderful partner:

Will you marry me? Will you continue to make my heart sing with joy each time I see your smile? Will you continue to walk by my side — not in front, not behind, but right next to me as we take our bootsteps on our life’s journey?

Will you marry me and be mine in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter? All seasons for all reasons, you are my man and I am yours.

Will you marry me? Now that our state’s legislature has passed a civil marriage act, and which was just upheld when challenged by referendum? The law becomes effective January 1, 2013. Finally… legal same-sex marriage in our home state, the state I have called home my entire life.

Will you marry me? Building our life together for the past 7,137 days, each day is a new day of joy, of life, of celebration of deep devotion and love.

Will you marry me? You have cared for me when I have been injured or ill, solidly stood by me as I was dealt some serious blows, and held me close as I grieved for the loss of my mother, aunts, uncles, cousins, and close friends. In turn, I have been your champion as you have endured life’s challenges as well, and cared for you during recovery from surgeries and your long illness. In sickness and in health — we care for each other.

Will you marry me? Make my smile, hold my hand, love me, cherish me, as I cherish and love you?

…with all of my heart, every fibre of my being, I love you and feel your love in return. Each day, each hour, each minute.

So blessed, such love, such joy. Thank you, Maryland! We can get married! I am so happy!

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About BHD

I am an average middle-aged biker who lives in the greater suburban sprawl of the Maryland suburbs north and west of Washington, DC, USA.

11 thoughts on “Will You Marry Me?

  1. Yes. The answer is yes. YES YES YES! I love you always and forever. No words can say more than your love and my love for you.


    You hold my heart in your hands, and I hold yours.


    Your fiance

  2. I am happy for both of you! I look forward to standing as your Best Man when you marry. My wife and I extend our fondest best wishes and our enduring love.

    Now, which of our 13 siblings will stand as an additional witness? I know: ALL OF US!

    You know that weddings are great “excuses” for a family reunion! Can’t wait!

    Ore e sempre,


  3. J, of course I want you to be by my side when we marry. Know that we will *not* have a wedding or a reception/party. That’s just not us.

    A simple civil marriage ceremony at the county courthouse followed by a nice lunch, perhaps, is all we want. Please do your part to head off the wedding planning by our sisters and nieces. Unlike others, we would be appalled by hoopla and froo-froo. Simple, plain, easy. No suits, no ties, no formality. (Other than dress boots, perhaps!)

    I know you know this, but I am replying publicly so readers of my blog understand our wishes and intentions.

    Love you always, brother.

    • Okay, this your big sister telling you that all of us — brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and our grandchildren — will find a way to celebrate with you and our “new” brother-in-law in a way that will fit your low-key preferences yet let us demonstrate how much we love both of you.

      No refusals/no denials/no running away. We know where you live!

      Love you lots,


  4. I was very happy to read that Marylanders affirmed the law that granted the right of same-sex couples to marry. I’m even happier to read your proposal and its acceptance. Congratulations to you both! And a very big thank you to the people of Maryland for joining New York and other states in recognizing and rising to the occasion by passing this law on behalf of same-sex couples. Earlier I wrote I hoped you would publish online a photo from your ceremony in this blog. Late last week you showed a photo that I thought would be the perfect wedding announcement photo and would serve as a proxy for a nuptial shot. It is in your entry “Enjoying Autumn With My Partner”. Nice photo.

    I say again what I said before: I wish you both much happiness now and in the future as you continue your journey together. Now you’ll be joined not only by love and respect, but also by the protection of life, love and property that marriage contains. May you enjoy the best of everything in your married life.

  5. I am crying big, fat tears of joy for you!!!!! I love you so much and so proud to have you as my brother. Congratulations!!!!!


    • Awww, my littlest, funniest, most “energy-est” sister. We love you very much, and I’m proud of you, too. Always in my heart, despite the distance.

  6. Congratulations from me to you, BHD! I consider this a huge victory for you, your partner and other same-sex couples in Maryland. May you both have a long, wonderful marriage!

    I’m proud of you, man!

  7. Even I never meet you personally, but when reading this, I feel happy also. Congratulation! May happiness befallen on you both! Like this is very difficult to obtain in my country. Many of gay couples must go abroad to get same sex marriage. I have a friend who already more than 20 years lived together with his partner and carrying each other but cannot have a legal marriage.

  8. I am happy for the both of you and that Maryland passed a law that will let same-sex couples get married. This past June, a friend of mine, who is a lesbian, married her girlfriend. They became the first same-sex married couple that I have known personally, so you and BB will become the second. Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming marriage.

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