Gestures of Affection

HandsI write often about how much I love my spouse, and he loves me. Love is deep, faithful, and always there.

I was reading another man’s blog the other day where he described gestures that he and his wife did for each other that demonstrated their ongoing love for one another, even after being together for 20 years.

Love never asks for expensive gifts. You may have heard that before, but it’s something you must never forget. Small everyday gestures multiply the depth and breadth of affection.

So I took stock of what my spouse and I do, and smiled when I discovered that our routine includes many of these same gestures of affection each and every day.

1. At random times and in random places — at home in the kitchen, in the grocery store, or even in the doctor’s waiting room — we reach out to hold both of each other’s hands, look deep into the other’s eyes, smile and say those simple but powerful words, “I love you” or “I fell in love with those eyes” or “you have a cute butt” or “you are still the most hunky dude I’ve ever known.”

2. Make the bed… even if he ordinarily does that chore. Do his chores from time to time.

3. Wink.

4. Write a simple love note (on paper!) and leave it in a pocket of his favorite jeans for him to find later.

5. Send him a risque, suggestive card in the mail, then pretend that he is being courted by another man. Have fun joking around about that, but always reaffirm that you are his man and he is yours.

6. Turn off the TV (and any other distractions) and read a favorite passage from a book to each other.

7. While sitting on the sofa watching TV, sit closely to one another and hold hands.

8. Be physically close — really close — and touch him while smiling, playing, and making casual suggestive comments. (This often leads to unplanned, ahem, “fun”)

9. Dress as a motorcop, including the tall patrol boots, and “arrest” your partner for being too good, too smart, too wonderful. (But always remember where you put the key to the handcuffs!)

10. Make him his favorite breakfast and serve it to him in bed on totally random days when it’s not even his birthday … and wear only a leather apron (giggle) and boots.

11. Wrap your arms around him and sing or hum his favorite slow dance tune, and dance. Even in the middle of a grocery store… or less embarrassingly, at home.

12. Let him overhear you telling a friend or family member how wonderful he is or how he did something well.

13. Pay a random, everyday compliment even if it is for a regular chore or habit, such as “thank you for doing the laundry and hanging up my dress shirts” or “you did a great job cleaning the living room” or “your got the mail and made sure to throw out that racial profiling mailer from Verizon!” Compliments are the best way to thank a special someone for the effort they’ve taken for you, however small it may be.

14. Listen with undivided attention to your partner when he’s talking about something about which he is passionate, even if you don’t care about it that much. Ask probing questions to continue the conversation as if you are really interested.

15. Cuddle.

There were some other things that the blogger wrote about, but in our household, we cannot do… like dress up and go out to a nice restaurant, go see a romantic movie, or send each other texts. But other than that, my spouse and I are pretty much on track with random gestures of affection.

Man, I’m so lucky to be in love with my best friend.

Life is short: show those you love how you love them.

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About BHD

I am an average middle-aged biker who lives in the greater suburban sprawl of the Maryland suburbs north and west of Washington, DC, USA.